Repeat Performance by Popular Demand
September 25th 1915
'Uncle Henry...' The story of one man’s war.
old family snapshot: a sporty looking young man steps out into the
sunlight with a cup of tea, he holds the saucer in both hands. They
sometimes shake badly and he doesn't want the cup to rattle in the
saucer and spill the tea. He is wearing a sweater under his jacket. It
has been a cool summer and he feels the cold. The day is his 33rd birthday,
Monday 30th August 1915. 26 days later he will be dead.
At the bottom of the photo one of his nieces has written; 'Uncle Henry...' It is their last photo of him.
He was my Great Uncle. This is the story of his life, and my journey to retrace his steps in 2014. It is also a universal story of a family touched by the tragedy of war.
Told in English.
20.00 Uhr. Freitag, 27. Mai 2016
Karten: €15,-/€10,-
Goldenen Tapir - Café auf dem Siemers’schen Hof
Bergstedt Markt 1, 22395 Hamburg